I'm Sarah Von Bargen I help make people + businesses awesome on the internet.

You’re a clever, hard working, creative-type (I can tell from all the way over here!) and you know you + your business need to be online.

You also know you should be blogging/tweeting/guest posting/pinning/pitching - in addition to, like, earning a living.

And you’re pretty sure you could be doing this whole online thing better. But you’re not sure what “better” looks like or where to start.

(I can help)
I know a thing or two about
building a following on the internet.
Over the last five years I’ve grown my blog to 11,000+ daily readers - and I did it without surrendering my life to social media or working 12 hours a day.
Now I use that hard-won knowledge to work with clients one-on-one, creating gloriously specific, just-for-you plans that make your online space hum with traffic and awesomery.
I don’t sell group courses, mastermind groups, or workshops - I like to keep my clients close and my work personal.
I just sell three surprisingly affordable, incredibly effective, tailored-to-each-client offerings:
Blog In A Box
Blog In A Box is a month’s worth of posts written to fit you + your readers + your offerings.
Laser Focus
A plan to solve that one problem that’s been plaguing your online business. You tell me the problem, I’ll design a solution.
Secret Weapon
(Pssst: borrow my 11,000+ readers and 5 years of blogging expertise)

I’d love to help make your life online more fun, more profitable, less overwhelming and - yes - more awesome.
Sign up for my newsletter and grab a (free) copy of my ebook 7 Tips For A Polished + Productive + Impressive Online Life, follow along on Twitter, or…
The Latest From My Small Business Blog
9 powerful, promising quotes your business will love
Has this ever happened to you? You’re feeling all ‘should-y’ about your business or beleaguered by trolls or overwhelmed by juggling your day job + side hustle. So you talk (and talk and talk) with your friends and mentors about it and you feel somewhat better. But not completely. And then you see an inspirational…
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3 Things Clients Want In Their Dream VA
Susan Drumm spent over a decade teaching companies like L’Oreal, Viacom and Conde Nast how to lead their teams towards multi-million dollar growth. Now she uses those same skills to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses to seven figure success. Your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to hire, inspire and lead team. Get her free ebook…
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What to do when you feel ‘should-y’ about your business
I wish I could begin this post by telling you that I’m a human who is immune to jealousy, self-doubt, or second thoughts. When I see someone with less experience than me charging twice my rates, I think “Cheers to them for having that much chutzpah!” When I see someone launch a wildly successful online…
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7 things your business requests that you read, post haste.
This Instagram pillow is adorable. Are we friends over there? If you’re a blogger who offers sponsorship spots, this post is helpful and insightful. The main thing I keep in mind with sponsorship is that, as a blogger, I have a responsibility to readers to remember that I’m vouching for each person whose blog I…
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