6 colorful, competitive blog post ideas to try now

blog post ideas
Oh, but it can be hard to come up with content day after day, year after year.

We can, of course, rely on the old standbys The Listicle and The How To. Goodness knows I do. Every once in a while it’s nice to try something completely new and different, but how does one even do that? Is there anything new on the internet?

I’d like to think so. In fact, I even have a feedly folder called “non-boring post inspiration.” Last summer I shared seven of my favorites and I’ve been squirreling away even more. Take a look!

1. Inspirational saying visual roundup

blog post ideas 1
Posted by: A little opulent
Why it works: We all love visuals and we love inspiring visuals even more. Each of these images is pin-able so this post is Pinterest catnip for well, just about everyone. If she wanted to be super strategic, Jen would also @mention the original creators on social media, so they could retweet the post if they wanted to.

Your spin on it: Could you collect inspiring quotes that relate to your topic? Quotes about business? Or travel? Or style? Or wellness? Make sure that you credit the original poster and add title tags to each image. (I actually used this idea last week!)

2. Imaginary conversations

blog post ideas 2
Posted by: Man repeller
Why it works: Imagined conversations and assigning human characteristics to non-human things are hilllllarious. In this case, Leandra imagines February is her totally annoying, unditchable friend. A funny, relatable blog post ensues.

Your spin on it: What conversations do you wish you could have? What would the inanimate objects in your field of expertise say? How would a conversation with your camera go? Your iphone? Your accounting software? Your WordPress site?

3. One room, three ways

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Posted by: Checks and spots
Why it works: We all love a good side by side comparison and each of these looks will appeal to a different reader. This was actually a sponsored post and I think Clare did a great job creating pretty, engaging, helpful content that worked for both readers and sponsor.

Your spin on it: What can you compare and contrast in your business? Two blog designs that are identical other than the colors? Two outfits that are similar except for the accessories? Several photographs with different filters?

4. Most memorable moments

blog post ideas

Posted by: Elise Joy
Why it works: It gives us insight into Elise’s day to day, something most blog readers love - at least I do! I  also like that Elise’s favorite moments are a mix of things we can all relate to (the extra hour of daylight savings), big, exciting moments (speaking in front of thousands), and stories she told in other blog posts (so she can link to them).

Your spin on it: Just write your own version! Of course, you could write it with a more business-related angle, but I bet your readers would like to learn a bit more about you as a human.

5. Goal-related link round up

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Posted by: Food 52
Why it works: Food 52 published this post on January 2nd, when we were all in the throes of resolution-making. They (very wisely) paired a fun, doable resolution to cook more and better with 20 archived posts. Smart, eh?

Your spin on it: Could you create a post that ties into common resolutions in your professional field? 10 social media resolutions + 10 of your archived posts that would be helpful. 10 style resolutions + 15 of your older posts that would help readers keep those resolutions. You get the idea!

 6. What’s in season? 

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Posted by: Cookie + Kate
Why it works: Kate’s post is super helpful for people (like me) who want to eat seasonally but will forget themselves and eat strawberries all year long. It’s also an opportunity to link to other bloggers’ related recipes and promote some of her own archived content.

Your spin on it: What’s seasonal in your business? Could you write a post highlighting the styles and trends that work in the spring? The cheapest travel destinations? Home improvement projects?

Have you seen (or written!) any particularly interesting blog posts? I’d love to see them! Share links in the comments.

photo by death to stock photo // cc


One Comment


This is such a great list! I especially like the memorable moments and the goal-related lists ones. I’ll definitely have to try those out! I know that I gobble up posts about books - I can’t get enough book reviews and round-ups so I just started a monthly round-up of what I’m reading on my blog.


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