Good reminders for those of us who work from home!
Get Out of Your House. The hardest part about working from home can be feeling a bit isolated from your community. So make it a point to get out a few times a week. I like meeting local clients and creative peers at my favorite coffee shop. I also like to get some fresh air with a morning walk before I begin my day.
Hooooly useful. 50+ places to repurpose your content!
I’ve been busy circle-ifying headshots. Here’s how you can do it with Picmonkey - for free!
An insanely useful post from Paul Jarvis about how to grow your freelancing business. So much good stuff in there!
Start by getting into the head of the people you want to get hired by
Make a list of people that have hired freelancers that use the same skills as you have and have recently hired for it. Send them a quick email to see if you can ask them for their advice.
Would your blog posts be more engaging if you were using gifs? It’s easy to make your own with Giffysnap!
Have you ever failed at something? (Um, are you a human?) If you have, here’s how to get over it.
Before you contact a professional peer you haven’t talked to in ages and ask them to promote your stuff, read this.
I loved Jill’s post about how to get rich as a blogger.
A sneaky way to get more people to read what you write.
And some posts you might have missed: Collaborating your way to more traffic + clients and How to toot your own horn without being totally annoying.
Have you read or encountered anything super helpful lately? Leave links in the comments!
photo by Martin Krolikowski //cc
Just a note: the second to the last link on this post is of a dog’s photograph hosted on Flickr. :p
Ha! Thanks for the head’s up - fixed!
Thank you so much for posting that tutorial on how to “circle-ify” your headshot. I have been dying to figure this out!
Me, too! I was so excited when I found that tutorial!
Great links and tips, all of them! Love the Baby Rabies one, especially.