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Internet Stalking Your Way To Success

We’ve all got professional heros, right?
 That roster of people whose books you devour, whose videos you watch, and who you’d pay to see in person.  I mean, I certainly do.  (I love you, Anne Lamott, Cheryl Strayed, Bill Bryson, David Sedaris).

Let’s say - for the sake of argument - that your professional idols made their names through the internet.  Maybe you love Marie Forleo or Jenna Marbles or Ramit Sethi or Matthew Inman.  They’re so awesome!  Everything they do is amazing and gilded in gold and met with praise and adulation!  It’s really easy to imagine that
a) they are a completely different species and meant for success in a way that the rest of us aren’t
b) they never filmed a bad video, launched a product that failed, were ever anything other than hugely successful

You guys?  That’s simply not true.  No matter how awesome our heros currently are, they were newbies once, too.
And do you want to know something really amazing? If you want to see exactly how they got where they are today, all you have to do is click the ‘older posts’ button.

Some people call it ‘creating a case study’ but I’m calling it what it really is: internet stalking.
When the internet is your medium (and your professional heros’ medium) it’s incredibly easy to see how/when/why they’ve made a name for themselves.

Here are some things to look for when you’re stalking your heros

How often do they blog now?  How often did they blog when they started out?  How long are their blog posts? How are their blog posts formatted? Are they essays? Filled with tips and actionable items? Do they include photos? Do they include outgoing links? How often do they link to their own products?  Do they host guest posts? Do they interview other people? Do they use images in their posts?  Do they have on-going post series?

Social media
Which platforms do they use?  How do they use them?  How do they promote their own work on those platforms? Do they promote others’ work on those platforms? Did they join, then abandon, any social media platforms - and if they did - why? How often do they link to their social media accounts in their blog posts?  How much personal information do they share on social media?

Email list
How do they get people to sign up for their email list? How frequently do they promote it? Do they have different opt ins for different people? How often do they send it out? Is it unique content or is it the same as what’s on their blog? How is their newsletter laid out?

Do they interact with their readers and respond to comments on their blog and on social media?  Do they end blog posts with a question? Do they link to other people? Do they provide their readers with freebies? What sorts of freebies? Do they answer readers’ and clients’ questions in blog posts or videos?

Professional trajectory
Who do they write guest posts for? Who has interviewed them? What sorts of products did they launch? How was the launch structured? Which products were successful? Which ones weren’t? Do they mention having a team that helps them? Who have they collaborated with? Did they mention any trainings or workshops that they went to? Did they mention the books that they’ve been reading?  How do they stand out from their competition?  What are they doing differently?

There are two reasons why this internet stalking is insanely useful
1. It will provide you with heaps of insight into success and tons of ideas you can implement yourself
2. It will remind you that everyone - even rich internet celebrities - started with five Twitter followers and poorly filmed Youtube videos.

There’s absolutely no reason you can’t be just as amazing and successful as they are.

Who’s your favorite internet celebrity?  Whose career are you going to stalk?

7 Posts That Will Make Your Business Better + Your Blog Bigger

Wait! Before you get to those awesome links!  

Last year my friend Rachel finished her degree, continued to be the only person I know who can pull off her hair color, and had a freak accident in a mosh pit that left her with thousands and thousands of dollars in medical bills. I wanted to do my part to help out so over on Facebook, I’m running a little silent auction for four hours of my time - even copywriting! Which I don’t offer anymore!  If you’ve interested, pop over and leave a comment on the picture with your bid; auction ends February 28th at 6 pm CST.

Anyway. Here are some of the best, brightest things I’ve found online recently!

This is insaaaaanely helpful, no matter what time of year you read it. Finding inspiration and motivation to blog better this year.
New Stimuli - one of the best ways to get your creativity levels up is to expose yourself to new stuff. Buy a book, watch a movie, meet someone new, go for a walk, spend time with your family, listen to some music – get out of your normal daily rhythm and expose yourself to some new sights, sounds, tastes, touches and smells. Remember that what you put into your life has a direct baring on what comes out.

Related: if you’re feeling uninspired, think about why you follow your favorite bloggers.

This is a long read that’ll inspire you to take a lot of action when you’re finished: how to optimize your hottest posts.

Reminder: it’s totally possible to work on projects you’re excited about.  AND ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY WHILE DOING SO.  And you don’t have to get an accounting degree if you don’t want to. When everyone is making the same bet, there’s more competition. And when there’s more competition, there’s fewer winners. Those winners range from soul-sucking middle-management at T-Mobile to soul sucking stockbroker at Goldman Sachs.The money’s different, but the sad man in the uniform is the same.

Yes!  I struggle with this soooo much: when to do something important (but not urgent.)

If you have a physical product that you regularly pitch to magazine editors, you probably need this.

Almost every women I know (myself veeeeery much included) would benefit from watching this: five tips to start negotiating like a badass.

What posts have you loved as of late?  Leave ’em in the comments!


How To Use Google Webmaster Tools In A Non-Overwhelming Way


This guest post is from Olivia of Early Bird Strategy. She helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and bloggers create and grow their online presence. She digs process, content strategy, SEO, A/B testing, Oregon IPA and email marketing. You can sign up for her free resources newsletter here - don’t worry, you can sleep in.

Google judges you based on your technical issues. Even though you have awesome content - sometimes the Googlebots can’t find you (which means awesome customers and potential Internet-besties can’t either).

Thankfully, you can play by Google’s rules, using one of their free tools. After plugging in your site, you can find any errors or areas for improvement and get back to focusing on the fun stuff like cat videos and writing.

In this post, I’m going to show you three smart ways you can use Google’s free tool Google Webmaster Tools to learn about - and fix up - your blog, to ultimately improve your SEO. When you’re a blogger, it can feel like you spend all your time writing and connecting. So more “technical” things might sound like a terrible way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but putting in a little effort can get big results.

1. Find out how people are finding your blog and what searches you’re showing up for but people aren’t clicking on

Sure you might know what some people searched for to arrive at your site from using Google Analytics, but do you know what people are searching for when your blog comes up in a search on Google, but they DON’T click on you? Would you believe me if I told you this was something you can find out?

1-GWT-queries 1-GWT-queries

If your mind just exploded from the above image, here’s what’s happening… This part of Google Webmaster Tools takes a look at some of your top posts, tells you about how many people saw it on Google (Impressions), how many of them clicked on it (Clicks), what that click through rate was (CTR is clicks divided by impressions), and what the average position on Google was (for example #1, would be the very first result).

As you can see in the above image, even though I only wrote the post on editorial calendars a couple weeks ago, I’m already getting Google traffic from it. It’s still pretty far back (#28, which would be the 3rd page) on Google results, but it included a free download of an editorial calendar template and was something I spent a lot of time on, so I expect it to continue bringing me traffic, potential customers, and connections.

Actionable homework #1: In Google Webmaster Tools, navigate to the Search Traffic>Search Queries area, and click on the Top Pages tab. Then, sort your list from largest to smallest, by Impressions. Make a note of the three pages with the highest CTR, and the three pages with the lowest CTR. What can we learn from this? The higher your CTR the higher relevance (or perceived relevance) someone searching on Google thought you had on those search terms. What a great way to know what your first impression is on what people are finding useful!

What else you could write about similar to those topics. For the low CTR pages, take a look at the post. Is there something in the post title or meta description that people aren’t finding your little preview snippet compelling enough to click on? (how rude!) What can you learn or change about this?

2. Use Google Authorship to have your profile show up in search results

Have you noticed sometimes when you’re searching on Google that you see a little picture of the author in the results, like this:

Did you think it was only for massive sites like Mashable and Gawker etc.? It’s not! You can show up here too. One of the most overlooked areas of Google Webmaster tools is bloggers passing up this great opportunity to have your Google+ profile linked to your content, and more often than not have your profile picture in the results! Hello higher click through rate!

One of the Google Webmaster Tools Labs features is showing you statistics for your verified author posts.


Actionable Homework #2: Get the ball rolling for Google Authorship, whether that’s first signing up for a Google+ account or verifying your email address. Here’s Google’s Guide for linking your content to your Google+ profile (2 options).

3. Fix those crawl errors

This section of Google Webmaster Tools can feel like homework. {Hey, where did everybody go?!} While it can be tedious to clean up some of the broken stuff on your site (especially if you’ve been around a while), it can also make a big difference in traffic. Think of it as spring cleaning and from a reader’s perspective how frustrating is it to click a broken link!?

With one of my clients, I found thousands of crawl errors that instead of fixing one by one, we were able to fix in one go, during my Website Audit and Action Plan, by adding an automatic redirect! This tiny change resulted in a significant increase in organic traffic that previously had just been landing on a broken page - while a few people had managed to find their way to the homepage, most had just abandoned ship.

Actionable Homework #3: Navigate to the Crawl>Crawl Errors area in Google Webmaster Tools. Click on the “Not found” tab. Clean up a few of these by click on the line item, which opens a little popup window with more info. The “not found” url at the top is the link that is broken. By clicking on the “linked from” tab you’ll find where this traffic is coming from. For example, if you’d mistyped when linking up this on another post, you could go in and correct it.

If you log in and find that you have a lot of crawl errors, try not to feel too overwhelmed. Instead, fix a few to get an idea of how it works, and then set a reminder to come back and do recurring maintenance in this area.

To wrap things up, even if people are finding you via social channels, overlooking organic search is like pulling a humble brag trick on your content. “No thanks, you don’t need to look over here, I just spent tons of time creating all this. Look away, I don’t want to be found!”. With a few small tweaks you can set yourself up to be found.

To learn how to add and validate your site in Google Webmaster Tools, here’s an in-depth post with additional advanced things you can learn.

Have you tried Google Webmaster Tools?

Stop Reading This Blog Post. Go Do Stuff.

I spend huge amounts of time either:
a) telling people how to do things (use Twitter lists! find ideal clients! roadtrip solo!)
b) learning how to do things (why are fishtail braids so haaaaaard!?)
c) reading lady magazines and throwing themed dinner parties 

I also spend a lot of time Googling how to do things.  When people ask me if I know how to do something I usually say “No. But I just figured we could Google it.”

But here’s the thing about all those how-tos and tutorials and Google searches:
That information is worth exactly nothing unless you do something with it.

It’s incredibly easy to load up your RSS feed with blogs that teach you how to do things
to assemble link round ups of helpful posts
to retweet “5 Ways To Revolutionize Your Blahblahblah” links
But at some point?  You actually need to do that stuff. 

You need to read the whole article - not just the bolded headings.
You need to spend the hour installing that complicated-but-super-useful plugin.
You need to carve out a few hours to nail down your About page.
You need make your first video - even if it’s bad.

And this blog post is just as much a note-to-self as a call-to-action.
I’m just as guilty as the next person of reading headlines, scanning chapters, and having to encounter something 45 times before it sinks in that, yes, Sarah, you do need a newsletter.

So let’s make a pact, shall we?
Let’s read less and do more.
Let’s close all those tabs and start writing.
Let’s stop skimming and start implementing.

Great things are coming for us.  We just have to make an actual effort. 

P.S. Did this get you all fired up?  Want some help actually making things happen for your business online?  I can help!

3 Clever Things To Do With Old Blog Posts

In internet years, I’m practically a dinosaur.  Yes and Yes has been around since 2008 and I’ve got 2,300+ posts in the archives. Crazy, right?  Now, it seems a pity and a waste to let all that writing sit there and gather dust so I’ve been brainstorming other things to do with them.  Want to try some yourself?

1. SEO-ify it, pretty-ify it, and re-promote it
When I started blogging, I’m not sure that SEO was even A Thing and if it was, I surely didn’t know about it.  While my content was good, my titles were too quirky and mysterious to inspire much click through and all my photos were saved as “008138ejplorb.jpg.”  This was also the age when people used any old photo they found - regardless of copyright and I wasn’t any different.

Here’s what you should do to make your old posts more awesome
* Find the best ones. Hint: they’re probably tutorials or how-tos
* Find a good, legal image for them. I like Flickr Creative Commons (sorted by ‘most interesting’) or Unsplash for beautiful, legal images
* Rename the photo as something SEO-friendly -  “woman-using-computer” not “9109282joli.jpg.”
* Put the title of the post on top of the image. This will make it more Pinterest and Twitter feed friendly.  I use Picmonkey for all my photo editing needs.
* Add spaces, bolding, or headings to make your post more readable.
* If you named your post something ‘clever’ the first time around (like song lyrics), rename it something obvious and Googleable
* Schedule out a few tweets to re-promote your newly awesome old blog post

Offer it as a guest post
Do you have internet friends? Of course you do.  Do they ever go on vacation or need a break? Dur. When that happens, offer up the best of your archives to fill that time while they’re off drinking margaritas on the beach.

Or you can rework the best of your archives and offer them as guest posts to any of the websites that syndicate content. Thought Catalog! Mind Body Green! Daily Love! Etc.

Put it in a different format
Some people like to read blog posts.  Other people want to listen to podcasts as they drive or watch Youtube videos during lunch. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t repurpose your old content in new forms.  I can take all of my most popular travel blog posts and turn each of them into a video.  I can turn old posts from this small business blog into infographics.  I turned my Real Life Style Icon interviews into a newsletter opt-in ebook that netted me 1,000+ new subscribers.  Please feel free to copy all of these ideas and use them yourself!

What are you doing with the posts in your archive?  Share your best tips in the comments!

P.S. Does all this advice ring true?  But maybe you need a little bit of extra help with your blog or a loving push in the right direction?  I can help!  For less than you’d think!

photo by ray from la // cc

8 Ridiculously Helpful Links For Bloggers + Creatives + Business Owners

It’s the end of the month!  Let’s look at some of the helpful, smart things other people wrote on the internet!

Oh my, but this is timely.  10 ways to switch your brain to writing mode when working from home.
Walk around the block
If you work at home, it can be tempting to work from the couch in your pajamas. And while that’s definitely one of the perks of the business, it doesn’t really help your productivity. Get dressed, walk around the block and pretend you’re walking to “work”. Grab a cup of coffee on the way into your office, sit down and start your day.

A lot of people ask me how to get their start freelance writing.  I’ve been getting paid to write since I was 20 and from now on, I’ll just be pointing everyone who asks about it here.

Alex Franzen strikes again!  Her favorite (free) tools for writing, creativity, self-expression, and what not.

If you, like me, are still using Blogger for your blogging platform, it’s still possible to SEO your posts without all those fancy plug ins. Here are 7 SEO tricks for Blogger.

What’s the difference between doing what you WANT and doing what you SHOULD?
Can you just not do it? I personally believe you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you’re in a bad relationship (with a client, a toxic friend, a significant other, a business partner) can you simply break up? If you have a day job you hate can you quit or just not go in today? If your answer is “No. I can’t just not do it…” ask yourself “why” a few times and soon you’ll get to why you choose to take on this duty or responsibility.

Remember how Allison told you that you can totally forgo the fancy DSLR and use iphone photos on your site?  Kara has an iphone-specific photography e-course!

Yes!  2014 Reboot: Blog Overhaul.  Tons of great ideas about how to fall back in love and get re-excited about your blog this year.

So interesting!  The Notecard System: the key for remembering, organizing, and using everything you read.

What awesome things did you read this month?  Leave links in the comments. 

photo by sailor coruscant // cc

Why having a disjointed social media presence is hurting your blog or business

This guest post comes to us via the lovely and talented Bobbi of Ready To Blog.  She helps small businesses, creatives, and bloggers with branding, blogs, and web design. Forpetessake, her custom-designed Blogspot blogs start at $200!  You can follow her adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


Having confusing or slightly obscure internet handle was pretty much a right of passage for anyone who can remember the times when dial-up was king and AOL used to send you CDs packed with ‘1,000 FREE HOURS, FREE!’

But, with the rise of social media and the proliferation of personal and social brands, it has become necessary for people to be able to find you quickly and in a way that makes sense. Before, using an acronym of all of the sports you used to play followed by a string of numbers as your Twitter handle–I actually did this at one point–might have been fine, but now doing so will rightfully earn you a few side-eyes.

A common, and damaging, mistake that many companies and brands are making on social media has to do with both consistency and clarity. How many times have you seen this: On Twitter, your favorite store has a handle of @marysteacups. Awesome! You scoot over to Facebook so give them a ‘like’, but you find it almost impossible to locate their page. It’s not No sign of Mary’s Teacups when you do a search. When you finally (finally) locate the page, you find a messy URL with an indecipherable string of numbers tacked on to the end. It’s annoying, and it’s totally unnecessary to force your customers to chase you around the internet just to give you some love!

If you’re running social media for a company or for yourself, it’s crucial that you make the best case for yourself online, and that starts with getting your social media property in check. Why?

You’ll look more professional
Once you decide on a name, stick with it, and hoover up all the real-estate you can get your hands on. If you are your brand and you’re going with @firstname_lastname on Twitter, go with the same on Instagram. If you can snag (or something close), do it! There’s no reason to leave your potential customers or fans playing a guessing game to find you. Make it easy and make it obvious. (To set a vanity Facebook URL for a fan page, log in to your account and navigate here:

You’ll encourage people to engage with and share your content
It’s much easier to write, “Find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest at @brandname!” than it is to list three different handles. While it might not always be possible to get your desired usernames, you should get as close as possible and keep an eye on the handles you want in case they become available. When your handles reflect your brand in a concise and clear way, your viewers will have an incentive to not only check you out on your different platforms, but to engage with you on them as well.

You’ll protect your brand
You might not be Twitter-famous yet, but why risk having handles that can be closely associated with your brand snagged by someone who has nothing to do with your business? Having control of your name on different platforms means that you get to determine what’s done with the real estate. Even if that’s nothing, it’s important for you to control the content and messaging through as many of the channels at your disposal as possible.

So, how can you get your social media in order?

Start with your domain
If you’re currently blogging on a free platform like Blogger or, make the $10 investment and get yourself a custom dot com. If you’re feeling particularly thorough, look into securing the .net, .org, or other similar secondary domains as well! This is the first step to putting your best foot forward online and to avoid co-branding yourself with a third-party.

Bring your handles in line
If you currently Tweet from @firstname_lastname and Instagram from @highschoolnickname, start changing your handles to match your brand and each other! Whether that means that both are @firstname_lastname or @companyname is up to you, but make a choice and stick with it. It’s scary, I know! But the sooner you do it the better, and since you can switch your handles without losing your fans and followers, you’ll be glad you made the switch in the long run. Note: If you already have a following and don’t want anyone else to use your old username, swoop in behind yourself and secure your old handles with a new account. While it seems a bit strange to hold on to a handle that you’ll rarely use, you’ll want to have control over your old account to 1) prevent anyone else from pretending to be you and 2) direct any fans that may not check in with you regularly to your new handles.

That’s it!

An investment of 20 minutes is all it takes to get your house in order and begin to project a streamlined and professional front online.

Why Having A Personality On The Internet Will Help Your Business

This post is part of a blog tour inspired for Jump: Into your business, your life, your dream -  a must-have digital guide for new coaches & creatives. This all-inclusive eBook will teach you how to start a business, find your niche, brand like a pro, and make the jump with confidence. Find out more here.

Let your weirdo shine through! People hire people they like and how can we like you if we don't know anything about you?
If you’ve ever read my blog or if we’re friends on Twitter, you probably know:
I love - without irony - Ke$ha, Dolly Parton, Richard Simmons.
I think dressing my cat in costumes is hilarious.
I travel heaps and have been plotting a trip to Russia and Mongolia for a while now.
I would rather read National Geographic than Cosmo. Any day. Ever.

I’m sure there are people out there who would hide their love of cat costumes and ‘Die Young‘ under the proverbial bushel.  And maybe you feel like - despite my many happy clients - you can’t take me seriously because last year I wore a drop-crotch onesie, a single earring, and a faux-mo to a Ke$ha concert.  (I’m 34.)

And that’s totally okay.

While I don’t write a lot about my personal life or the intimate details of my relationships or family on the internet I very, VERY much believe in being who you are.  All the time. Online and off.

For me this means:
Occasionally being a hardass.  Being totally transparent about how much I charge and how I work.  Trying new things. Being open about my failures.  Liking what I like - unapologetically.

Why is it important to have a personality - on the internet AND in real life?

1. It will separate you from the crowd
There are about a million website designers/social media consultants/content strategists/life coaches and many of them deliver equally good products.  But inevitably, we hire people we like.  And you know who we like?  People we relate to.  I love working with Kim Lawler because she’s talented and prompt.  I also like working with her because her About page says “I think this is the place where I’m supposed to tell you that I’m a “web development ninja”, or a “jQuery wizard”… while both of these things might be true, I’m not a douchebag, so I won’t.”   There are heaps of lovely, mellow, green-juice drinking life coaches out there.  I will never hire any of them because I don’t particularly enjoy meditation or green juice.  I enjoy hip hop and coffee.

2. It will help you find your people
Success isn’t just about the people who hire you, it’s about the people you surround yourself with.  When you’re honest about who you are and what you’re about, you’ll attract similarly-minded people.  I’ve found amazing online and offline friendships with Winona, Kelly, Rachel, Alex, Marie and heaps more ladies - partially because we all love Dolly Parton and partially because who we are online is who we are offline.

3. It’s a million times easier than pretending to be something you’re not
A cautionary tale: a good friend of mine founded a successful accessory label when she was in her early twenties.  Said friend loves to drink, swear, tell dirty jokes, and generally be as awesome as humanly possible.  But her brand? It was all satin and buttoned-up sweater sets.  She felt like who she was wasn’t really ‘the right fit’ for her label so she spent yeaaaaars promoting and producing beautiful pieces that she, herself, probably wouldn’t use and going to cocktail parties in fancy dresses and making polite chit chat when she probably would have rather been at home watching The Walking Dead.

She also spent some time in therapy.

Lesson: it’s exhausting, time-consuming, unsustainable, and probably unhealthy to hide who you are on the internet.

So let that weirdo shine!  Tell us what you’re into, how you work, what you don’t like.  We’ll probably like you even more.

Who do you think lets their personality shine through online?  I think Ash Ambirge, Nicole Antoinette, and Smaggle do a great job with this.

The Snarkiest Copy I’ve Ever Written (And Why I Loved It + What I Learned From It)

I love all my clients.  I’ve worked with companies launching amazing apps, fancy NYC stylists, and super talented photographers  - to name just a few.  I count myself as insaaaaanely lucky to assemble sentences for a living.

This fall, an assignment fell into my lap which was - no holds barred - the most fun I’ve had in my professional life last year. (Okay, not actually more fun than shooting a cat calendar. But definitely the most fun I’ve had writing this year!)

I got to write copy for a new company that sells high-end clothing for toddlers.  BUT!  The kicker?  The owner wanted funny, slightly snarky, story-based copy for the product descriptions.  I PRETTY MUCH DIED AND WENT TO COPYWRITER HEAVEN.



A few things I learned from this experiment in awesome?

1. When you’re doing something you really, really, reallllllly love it doesn’t feel like work
File under the heading of ‘Duh, Sarah, I know.’  I love the work I do.  If I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t do it.  But.  The way I feel when writing taglines for an HR company?  Or a landing page for a marketing firm?  This is different than the way I feel when I’m crafting a funny, snarky story about a rich toddler wrestling a dog.  I didn’t track how long it took me to write these product descriptions but I doubt it took me longer than 2 hours to write 20 of them.

2. When you really, really want the work you might want to take a pay cut
Are you dying to add more editorial work to your photography portfolio?  Are you a designer who wants to get into wedding invitations?  If you really want to do that stuff - and the potential client is just starting out - you might want to consider working for less than your usual rate.  Just this one time to fill out your portfolio.

3. Telling stories is The Actual Best
Much of my writing takes its final form in About pages and Sales pages - of which I am both fond and adept.  I forgotten how much I’d loved telling mini stories and using humor in my writing.  I mean, I do it regularly on my blog, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to use those skills for my clients.  And it feels gooooood to be professionally witty again.

Tell us about your favorite client/project of the year and what you learned from that experience!

P.S. As you may remember, I’m putting my copywriting skillz on indefinite hiatus in 2014.  Stay in touch if you’d like to be on the waiting list or need a referral!

4 Reasons to Use iPhone Photography On Your Website

Alison Chino wants to live in a world where the adventures are new every day, the soups feed a crowd, and the kids still play outside. Her travel musings, stories about expat life in Scotland and yummy recipes can be found at Or follow along on Twitter or Instagram.

I am going to let you in on a little secret. Sometimes people call me a photographer and I don’t even own a camera.
Except for the one that is in my phone.

Here are a few reasons I love using my phone to take pictures for my travel blog.

1. Small and Simple

I love taking pictures, and sometimes I think about getting a bigger camera, but the block for me is not purchasing the camera.  It’s the idea of carrying it around, and learning how to use complicated editing software. I would have to come up with a storage system for the bigger files that bigger cameras hold, and I would rather spend more time wandering the world than figuring that out.

2. Phone Editing Apps

Everyone has their own favorite photography apps, and there are new ones being made all the time that make the pictures on your phone look amazing.

For me, it’s like this:
Snapseed + VSCO Cam = Life Changed

The drama filter on Snapseed makes the textures on your photos pop, and will add light to a picture that is too dark.  It’s like magic!Also I love Instagram like a thirteen year old. Seriously.However, sometimes I want an Instagram filter on several photos for a blog post, but I don’t want to put them all on Instagram. In that case, you can turn off your data (or wifi on an iTouch) and Instagram all the photos you want.  They will come up in your feed as “failed” but they will save to your photos.  You then delete the failed photos and turn your data back on.  Voila!
I often run a picture through all three of these apps before I’m happy with it.
3. Pictures go straight to my blog via the WordPress App
One of the handiest parts of using my phone for all my pictures is that I can upload my photos to where they need to go through the apps on my phone.  When I had a camera, I had to store the pictures on my computer, resize them and then upload them to a website.

Now you can use the apps for WordPress or Etsy or wherever your website is hosted to upload your photos directly from your phone. So easy!

4. Work on the go.
Using my phone for photography means I am getting more work done when I am on the road.  If I take, edit and upload pictures while I’m traveling, when I get home I can open up my computer, sit down and just write. The pictures are already there.  All I have to do is use my journal to fill in the stories.I  have to say that I do have a huge appreciation for gorgeous DSLR photos.  We have our family photos done every year by a professional photographer and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.  But for every day blogging, I am finding that using my phone works beautifully!

Do you guys take the photos you use on your website?  Which apps and editing tools do you use?  I swear by Flickr Creative Commons + Picmonkey!