Do you see what I did there? It’s like “For goodness sake!” but it’s “For business sake.” !!!
I’ll be here all week, folks.
Anyway, here are some of the best, most helpful things from around the internet.
Not a link, just an incredibly helpful tip: if you use an advertising network that pays per pageview, you can dramatically increase your pageviews by inserting a ‘read more’ break and asking your readers to click through to read the entire post.

Urgh. It happens to the best of us. We start off doing work that we’re passionate about … and then it starts to feel like work. RUDE. Here are 7 questions to ask yourself when that happens.
Related: 7 ways to turn your passion into a business (<< solid business advice, not just the same ol ‘follow your bliss!’ stuff.)
I loved these social media tips. “No one cares about your latte. ‘Whiskey drinker’ is not an identity.'”
A great post on the reality of work - How To Beat The Employment Blues.
You have to understand that all jobs suck a bit. Even the best jobs. Beyonce’s job sucks a bit. Obama’s job sucks a bit. Oprah’s job sucks a bit. There are always bad sides to every job, including yours. This even applies to your dream job you haven’t got yet – yep. It sucks a bit too.
SO USEFUL. Top 10 ways to be more productive while working from home.
Let’s talk about work + career in our 30s.
Things that you used to be willing to sacrifice no longer seem worth it. Having clearer personal values means you’re more likely to be uncomfortable when they clash with the values of your employer. Your sense of purpose and why you want to work may change.
This is all normal and a sign that you’re evolving as a person. Don’t be surprised if how you earn a living needs to evolve, too.
Are you trying to jumpstart a freelance career? This post will help!
Did you know you can be strategic with your 404 page? Here are 30 brilliantly designed ones!
I only started looking at + thinking about my Google analytics embarrassingly recently. Since I started a few months ago, I’ve increased my monthly pageviews by 30,000 (!!!). Here are 5 ways you can use Google Analytics to improve your website.
Are you looking for your ‘breakthrough moment’? (Aren’t we all?) You might enjoy this collection of interviews with actors and writers talking about theirs.
Have you guys heard of Canva For Work? Looks like a great solution for us non-designers!
If you’ve read or written anything particularly amazing lately, share links in the comments!
P.S. 6 free blogging tools that make my online life easy + awesome and How to (nicely) set boundaries with your clients.
Oh I love those tips, thanks for sharing! I just published something I think you’d like!
Love it!
Woo! I’m so glad that the Read More has made such a difference for you and that we’e making progress together. Go team!
It’s been huge!