12 of the best, most helpful articles about blogging/business/creativity

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I found the best things on the internet for you! Here they are!

Somewhat related to blogging: yesterday I wrote about my decision to choose my life over a book deal. It was, as I’m sure you can imagine, a pretty tough decision.

30% of Erika’s traffic comes from Pinterest. This 4,000-word post shares everything she knows!

3 options if you’re bad at what you love.

Want to build a business that fits your lifestyle? Here’s how.

Yessss! Write your social media updates in batches and pre-schedule them!

Do you get mental fatigue? I always referred to this as ‘psychic weight’ but I loved this article that
a) validates that it exists
b) shows us how to deal with it
Even some of the common ways in which we pass the time when we are taking a break—presumably for the purpose of refreshing our minds—probably fatigue us even more and should be avoided if they occur just before we have to be on top of our game. For example, if you often turn on the news or check out a news website that reports on the latest tragedy or an upsetting political development, it can require a good deal of self-control to manage a knee-jerk reaction to these kinds of stories. So avoid these activities before you have to be at your best.

I’ve been using the 1-3-5 method for my to-do list and it’s sooooo much more sane and sustainable than my old 20-bullet point lists.

Have you heard of The Noun Project? Thousands of icons you can use for anything?

When I create new services I usually just email previous clients and say “Hey! I’m doing this thing now!” (super profesh, Von Bargen.) But did you know you can ‘launch’ services - even if they’re available all year round? Maggie Patterson talks about how she did it here.

Clever, clever, clever. How to hide an image in a WordPress post.

Creating healthy business boundaries can be hard. Norma has a five-step process that makes it easier.

Micromanagers are Le Worst (I know because I can be one). But with a bit of finesse you can manage your micromanager.

If you read or wrote anything super helpful to bloggers or business owners, leave your link in the comments!


Erika Madden

Sarah! I’ve found so much goodness in this post. (How did you know I just spent the last 3 hours looking for free icon sets?) Thank you kindly! (And for the Pinterest post shout-out — I appreciate it!!!)

Weekly Wanderings – Pierced Wonderings

[…] How to Get Pinterest Followers & Repins: The Ultimate Guide - Olyvia. For my blogging friends (& myself!) who are looking to increase their pinterest following - this really is the ultimate guide. (Thanks for sharing Sarah!) […]

Megan Tsui

I so loved this post. What a great new list of tools…not the same ol’ same ol’!
My fave was The Noun project. How cool is that!!!

Chloe | One Infinite Life

So many awesome articles here Sarah. Thank you for sharing them, I just had a huge read sesh. Erika’s article has the BEST Pinterest advice that I’ve ever come across — so good! I’ve recently been playing with writing social media updates in batches and pre-scheduling them, and it’s a complete game-changer.

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